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Preparing To Write Persuasively 2


Published in: Journalism/Writing

Writing development

Mariam / Doha

10 years of teaching experience

Qualification: BA in English Language and Literature and Master with Distinction in Media and Communications

Teaches: Communicative English, Language, Creative Writing, English, Arabic, QURAN, Islamic Studies, English Language, English Literature, Islamic Subjects

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  1. klg Qatar National Library preparing to write persuasively Day 2 klg
  2. klg Check in V questions? V comments? V goals for today and tomorrow? klg 2
  3. klg Session 1 — objectives The Grant Writing Process 1. establish the purpose 2. know how long it takes to write a winning grant 3. make time to write — efficiently and successfully klg 3
  4. klg 1.1 How do you want to be perceived as a researcher? V The candidate is recognised internationally as Australia's leading researcher in X. Her international network is well leveraged in the proposal. v She is a very accomplished researcher who should be supported to continue her important research. Her unusual combination of disciplinary research skills (in x, y and z) make her one of the few people in Qatar who can take up the challenges identified in guiding the X to adapt to the needs of Y. Also importantly, her commitment is clear. "Her social and intellectual commitment to the topic is unquestionable and her ability to translate the findings of her research into... IS noteworthy and deserves commendation. klg
  5. klg Consider... What is your differentiator? v/ How do you position yourself in the field of. .. ? v/ Where and why do you belong in this field? v/ Where you are positioned within your research team? v/ What is it about you and your expertise that makes you valuable to the university? + over the next 5 years v/ What is your vision? V What do you get out of bed for each day? V What do you bring to the table? V What examples best tell your story? klg
  6. klg Sentence starters I am a leader in the field ofX working at the intersection of a, b and c, serving to ...(solve the problem X of the planet). I am an recognised leader in X, and the specific area of Y where I ...(do amazing things). I am a leading scholar in X, advancing Y and championing Z. I am an X scholar with expertise in... I am an expert in my field of... My research focuses on the... interplay / intersection / cross section... My research is positioned at the inter/cross section of X and Y to . I am leading a transformation in... I am known / renowned internationally as X for Y. My research philosophy is underpinned by the belief... klg
  7. klg Naming your project + project team klg
  8. klg Naming your project + project team Nature-inspired nanopillared surfaces demonstrate a means by which bacterial colonisation on surfaces can be controlled, and to do so is what this research aims to discover. It is the underpinning mechanism that is not yet fully resolved, impeding the development of novel antimicrobial surfaces and their implementation in real world applications. MUBANY aims to investigate the kinetics of interactions between nanopillar surfaces and bacterial cell wall leading to cell death, focusing on deciphering time-resolved interactions at nanometer scales. For the first time, ... klg
  9. klg Naming your project + project team V Nature-inspired nanopillared surfaces demonstrate a means by which bacterial colonisation on surfaces can be controlled, and to do so is what this research aims to discover. It is the underpinning mechanism that is not yet fully resolved, Impeding the development of novel antimicrobial surfaces and their implementation in rear world applications. MUBANY alms to investigate the kinetics of interactions between nanopillar surfaces and bacterial cell wal leading to cell death, focusing on deciphering time-resolved interactions at nanometer scales. For the first time, ... VCoDeM — Centre for Co-Designing Medical Technologies v Just Relocation — the name of a framework using a Justice based approach to relocate people klg
  10. klg Make readers want to find out more first line V Makes an immediate impact v must be the very best words in the very best order v begins the branding of who you are, and the V selling of your argument Vis a strong statement that positions you/ your research and research area V uses words and phrases from purpose statement + key words "Is it clear in the first sentence V what it is you are 'selling' to the assessors? The research outcome? The new stuff? "Does it confirm you are not writing a report? klg
  11. klg First line examples v Planned relocation of communities and households is emerging as a critical climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction strategy. v The Australian government has pledged to achieve pet zero emissions by 2050 [lland ytth such an aspiring goal comes with challenges. V Disasters occur frequently in Australia. Ensuring Emergency departments (ED) are disaster prepared demands consumer perspectives and patient data driven. Synthetic biology and precision fermentation offer significant opportunities to improve agricultural profitability, reduce dependence on fossil based resources and create new regionally based manufacturing industries producing carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and other compounds used in medicine, consumer products, materials and food [1]. Ecosystems around Australia are at threat of collapse, and many under similar pressures, globally. Ecosystem collapse can be catastrophic, resulting in lost species and the ecosystem services society relied upon — economic, tourism, recreational, natural disaster protection, and cultural values. klg
  12. klg Grant purpose statement V check notes from Day 1 Vis there a difference between purpose statements for grants v articles v presentations? V let's discuss. V what are you selling with your research? V what is the research outcome you are V what is the new 'stuff'? klg
  13. klg Grant purpose statement = one sentence The purpose of writing this grant document is to persuade to my audiences of X — who needs to hear... Y — who needs to hear... Z — who needs to hear... that... klg
  14. klg Session 2 — objectives Aligning your research questions + aims + objectives + outcome + significance 1. the how to.. 2. the models x 2 klg 14
  15. klg 2.1 Aligning your research question + aim + objectives + outcome + significance Before you put pen to paper v make your research terms consistent V be ready to write about impact V gives reader immediate access to your ideas = high readability factor klg 15
  16. klg Aligning your - research question + aim + objectives 4 outcome • significance Aim research I _ d•evebp Objectives s research Will be ach i eml by (doing "*Mt?) i. identify ing ii. evaluating iii. developing lii liii Source Write persw.sively klg 16
  17. klg Tips for aligning your proposal One question V has one aim V each aim has 3-5 objectives max v the action of achieving the aim V starts with a verb V each objective must have one (or more) outcome/s V each outcome must have a significance klg
  18. klg Aligning table models x 2 klg 18
  19. klg Impact v/ socially V culturally V technologically V health V economically V environmentally V culturally klg 19
  20. klg Strategies for writing about impact... Consider What are the expected outcomes + benefits of your research? What is the impact of these — economic + health + knowledge + social? write in dot points create a table — evidence of impact Statement which means that... impact confirm s/highlights/establishes.. klg 20
  21. klg First sentence - impact Impact sentence starters This project will significantly impact the X sector, individuals and the community, as evidenced by project Y which has been nominated for Z award. Project Y was showcased in media/national publications reaching an audience of 5+million including interviews, radio programs, front page of X magazine and featured in Y space. Link to publications here. This project will create local, national and international impact through: This research program reveals... The impact of this research extends. This ground breaking work... The significance of my work}this research - leads to... The contribution to the field of x is evidenced by... This discovery of creating... has challenged x my research to klg 21
  22. klg Starting to think about brand = impact V The most amazing thing about this research is. V This research is amazing because. .. V How do you want to be perceived as a researcher? V Where are you positioned in your body of knowledge? V What is your differentiator? klg 22
  23. klg Session 3 — objectives what makes a winning grant page I klg 23
  24. klg 3.1 Accessibility for assessors to read Simplicity that measure the metabolic activity of bacteria and: i accurately etermi the live/dead status (contrary to the current practise of simple live/dead staimng ; and, visualise cell wall integrity at the relevant nanoscale imaging techniques in both the 2D and 3D context, together providing the first evidence of damaged cen-wall. V First page — the 'look' — does it 'feel' accessible? V Model of page 1 — 'look' v read - check layout + space + amount of bold + piccies V NO jargon V NO series of hyphenated nouns klg
  25. klg Make readers want to find out more — first line v Makes an immediate impact must be the very best words in the very best order "begins the branding of who you are, and the selling of your argument Vis a strong statement that positions you/ your research and research area V uses words and phrases from purpose statement + key words V Is it clear in the first sentence V what it is you are 'selling' to the readers? The research outcome? The new stuff? V \Vhat sentence grabs audience's attention immediately? makes them curious and want to read on... v Powerful writers start powerfully read your first sentence of intro + discussion + conclusion section, aloud, to check Does it confirm you are not writing a report? klg
  26. klg 3.2 page 1 v/ let's unpack klg 26
  27. klg Before you start writing your grant V draft how you want to be perceived as a researcher p30 + 31 V choose a sentence starter and draft your response p33 V establish who your audiences are and what they need to hear p38 V play with your purpose statement p37 + 39 + 40 V start compiling your table of research question + aims + p42 V create a name for your project / outcome p34 Vor anise our folder of models + examples + PRINT THE GRANT CKITERNA + V seek feedback on all of these items V be prepared to write in dot points klg
  28. klg Make time to get feedback Consider V things about my writing I would like feedback on. .. V which section will I need feedback on V what type of feedback do I need V which section will I bring to the Writing Circle for group feedback klg
  29. klg Session 4 — objectives Writing Circle Step 5 of the Five-Step Writing Process 1. make time to revise frequently the secret to good writing get feedback p 133 •Z individual — check strategies p 139+ group editing 2. let's have a writing circle now guidelines p 136 klg 29
  30. klg 4.1 + 4.2 Writing Circle 1. 2. make time to revise frequently get feedback individual complete table p 133 v' group editing group feedback writing circle The secret to good writing is constant revision. To succeed as a researcher, you have to make progress with your writing, which means you need to be brave and seek feedback. A writing circle allows researchers to seek feedback from others on short or small amounts of writing, develop writing skills, and learn to engage in rigorous debates about good writing. Writing circles function best when they are located in the same place and held at the same time, each week. guidelines p136 klg 30
  31. klg About writing V takes time Vis a five-step iterative process — has steps V think + read + plan + write + revise V should aid thinking V drafting V firstly in dot points V helps you refine and reshape your purpose + argument. Give yourself permission to carry out the process and evolve Vaim to V present + highlight the contributions of your research + goals + usion ++ Vhave your assessors + as many people as possible — understand and be influenced by your ideas klg