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Preparing To Write Persuasively 1


Published in: Journalism/Writing

Writing development

Mariam / Doha

10 years of teaching experience

Qualification: BA in English Language and Literature and Master with Distinction in Media and Communications

Teaches: Communicative English, Language, Creative Writing, English, Arabic, QURAN, Islamic Studies, English Language, English Literature, Islamic Subjects

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  1. klg Qatar National Library preparing to write persuasively Day I klg
  2. klg Your writing coach Karyn Gonano— author of Time to Write Persuasively: A Five Step Guide For Ambitious Researchers is an expert writing coach who enables you to craft words that influence. Karyn works with writers at all levels and all stages of their research journey, making you an expert who is more influential and valuable throughout your career. A trained educator, Karyn loves to give writers strategies — to make writing easier and for researchers to enjoy the process of writing. Through her training and mentoring you will stop wasting time, and learn to write persuasively — to ensure your discoveries have as much impact as possible on the world. Karyn developed her five-step process for writers to utilise the power of words, and communicate their passion for their research. Her knowledge and training gained in the university sector and private business, both in Australia and Europe means the outcome of her workshops is "transformative" — you will be empowered to achieve remarkable professional outcomes. klg 2
  3. klg Introductions • what is it you stand for — in one sentence!! • your goals for these 3 days? • what would you like to know about me — before we get started? klg 3
  4. klg Being a researcher means... • Writing about your research ie being a writer • Engage in the process from day 1 • Persuading others your research matters • Arguing — 'selling' yourself + your research method and or outcome ie something new!! klg 4
  5. klg Session 1 — objectives The Writing Process 1. the five steps 2. academic v persuasive writing who needs your research p82 where are you publishing 3. how to make writing easier, from the beginning - everything purpose statement p 98 dot point plan p 100 what you will write and when 4. make time to write — efficiently and successfully klg 5
  6. klg 1.1 Writing - the five-step process • is about time • to think + read + plan + write + revise • with feedback at each step will guide you to write persuasively • to have as many people as possible • read your research • understand it, and • be influenced by it klg
  7. klg The five-steps 1. make time to think - about your researcher identity what makes you unique your differentiator session 4 this afternoon 2. make time to read — beyond the obvious who needs your research p82 where are you publishing p83 find 3 models p86 3. make time to plan - everything purpose statement p 98 dot point plan p 100 4. make time to write — efficiently and successfully klg 7
  8. klg Time you currently spend... Time you currently spend in each stage of the writing process ofyour How much do you allocated writing time prioritise each step? The steps you currently spend on e.g. low, medium, high, each Step to produce a not at all. l. lhink 3. Plan 5. Revise Source: Write Persuasively Toolkit, klgcommunications.com.au klg
  9. klg 1.2 Academic v Persuasive writing 37 V let's discuss V verbs — getting them right klg 9
  10. klg 1.3 how to make writing easier Make time to read 1. who needs your research? v/ your target research influencers v/ p82 - complete where are you publishing p83 where is the more prestigious place to publish where will give you he greatest impact factors? p86 — read read the most cited articles in this journal read to find 3 articles you can use as models what colours will you choose? klg 10
  11. klg Session 2 — objectives Planning your writing 1. make time to plan - everything purpose statement p 98 v' what it is let's do it dot point plan p 100 unpack models klg 11
  12. klg Make time to plan your writing Before you write — plan to write persuasively 1. make time to plan •Z purpose statement 2. consider what is it you are arguing in this document? what are you 'selling' your reader? 3. let's practice — read p98 "put it in the header of your document klg 12
  13. klg 2.1 Purpose statement examples Step I takes one hour to plan and write — several versions Model Draft 1 of 8 That older people living with HIV can receive the healthcare they need, at the time they need it when peer workers and clinicians work collaboratively at the top of them scope Feedback: the underlined section needs defining. Draft 2 That the Researcher's super plan will enable/guide peer workers and clinicians to work collaboratively and provide the healthcare Older people living with HIV need, and in a timely manner. Draft 3 That the Researcher's super co-designed model Of care will enable peer workers and clinicians to work collaboratively (at their optima/ scope) and ensure people living with HIV have access to safe, responsive and inclusive healthcare. klg 13
  14. klg Purpose statement examples The purpose of writing this document is to persuade my readers that... V ...re-engaging older workers into paid employment by just 5%, will boost the economy by $48 billion each year. "...land use in urban environments significantly increases changes in the carbon cycle and raises the global warming potential of the humid subtropics. V ...model X using ICP-MS and Chemometrics will identify heavy metal content in Brisbane water at times of changing climatic conditions such as drought and flood. "...the KNW framework will normalise therapeutic hospital landscape design and significantly contribute to positive health outcomes for hospital patients, their families, staff and administrators klg
  15. klg To think about when writing your purpose statement What propositions have been generated about your subject? What new proposition have you generated? How does your argument relate to established propositions? How does your argument relate to current assumptions? What type of idea/information will you be present — is it in a new field or in an established one? Are you testing or building a new idea? klg
  16. klg Purpose statement: tips for writing V Start by placing each idea on a new line eg subject = key information — can be the method or the outcome + what it does / achieves + for whom / what VM0de1 The purpose of my grant proposal is to argue that... the tool X is a critical first step for educators of children aged birth to 3 to enhance y (method or outcome) (what about it) (for whom) (so what / why we should care) klg
  17. klg Purpose statement guides what it is you write — everything you write is the foundation for everything you say is one sentence less than 25 words is positive presents a new idea is the subject of your research persuades / motivates/ inspires 'sell's you + your research klg 17
  18. klg Purpose statement in header is to higher of attention to physia.l to be into the design stage of architecture prc_wtice to of digital Target Journal-: PhD Research paper I Journal of Technological Design Education Title: Making Slow Design in Architecture Abstract: INTRODUCTION For the first tinie since the inception of architecturc over 200 vears ago d thousand-years-agov-digital technology has ehaneed-transformed the wav architects design the built environment. both architectural education and practice, traditional physically- 18 engaging design processes, tools, and techniques have been replaced by hands-off digital design
  19. klg 2.2 Dot point plan • Looks like Model 1 Model 2 klg 19
  20. klg 2.2 Dot point plan v/ concise ideas Vie not sentences V should start with a verb V positioned under headings and subheadings model articles p86 V needs to be detailed V shows how ideas are Vrelated to each other •/add weight to your argument guided by V great first draft to share for feedback eg Desi's story p102 klg 20
  21. klg 2.3 Make time to write • use your model article - set up as template p86 • establish headings and subheadings write in dot points plOO • and, only then write in sentences klg 21
  22. klg Session 3 — objectives Let's talk about writing... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is your current practice? What are your strengths? What do you want to do differently? Goals? Questions? klg 22
  23. klg Session 4 — objectives Establishing your Researcher Identity Step 1 of the Five-Step Writing Process 1. make time to think - about your researcher identity how do you want to be perceived as a researcher? what makes you unique p 70 your differentiator p 71 2. individual writing + group work klg 23
  24. klg Make time to think... 1. 2. about yourself as a writer of research about your researcher identity v/ use phone to record your introduction p55 v/ what makes you unique your personal actions + behaviours our professional skills + experiences that relate to your field of research p70 v/ your differentiator elements of your research and expertise that enable a difference or distinction to be made between you and other researchers p70 klg 24
  25. klg Make time to think... 3. Researcher identity statement powerful opening statement v/ choose one p 65 write your own share for feedback v/ read models bios choose one you like select words + phrases that work for you klg 25
  26. klg About writing V takes time Vis a five-step iterative process — has steps V think + read + plan + write + revise V should aid thinking V drafting V firstly in dot points V helps you refine and reshape your purpose + argument. Give yourself permission to carry out the process and evolve Vaim to V present + highlight the contributions of your research + goals + usion ++ Vhave your assessors + as many people as possible — understand and be influenced by your ideas klg