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Writing Literature Review


Published in: Journalism/Writing

Writing development

Mariam / Doha

10 years of teaching experience

Qualification: BA in English Language and Literature and Master with Distinction in Media and Communications

Teaches: Communicative English, Language, Creative Writing, English, Arabic, QURAN, Islamic Studies, English Language, English Literature, Islamic Subjects

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  1. klg Notes about writing your literature review klg
  2. klg Literature review is Developing your case, to Provide a coherent framework of research Identify a research problem, and then • Link it all together klg
  3. klg Literature Review is NOT just a summary of articles, texts, journals but a • classification and evaluation of what accredited scholars and researchers have written on a topic, organised according to a guiding concept such as your research objective, thesis or the problem/issue you wish to address klg
  4. klg Literature review - purpose Establish a theoretical framework Define key terms and concepts Reveal a 'gap' in knowledge Develop questions for further research klg
  5. klg What is - a gap in the knowledge? What are the issues of controversy? What is and isn't known about your topic area? What studies, models, case studies etc support your topic? How will your research "fill the gap" ? klg
  6. klg How to categorise your literature? • Issues + themes + approaches + models + methodology + processes Mind/concept map Flow chart . Table Other methods? klg
  7. klg Basic Skills 1. 2. 3. Information gathering/sorting Critical appraisal (biased ? relevant? accurate? reliable?) Synthesis Organise information and relate it to research question Synthesise results into what is known and unknown Identify controversy Develop questions for further research klg
  8. klg Literature Review - how to evaluate? Does it have an overview? Does it tell the reader how the literature is categorised? ie themes, issues, approaches, models, methods, processes How do these categories • show the gap? • justify the research direction you have taken / will take? Are there clear links to title + introduction + problem + methodology Does the writer identify a gap ie a research problem? (where?) Does the writer build a case? (how/where?) Is the structure easy to follow? (why/why not?)? klg